Ground Floor, 215 Greenhill Road,
Eastwood, South Australia 5063

My Day Surgery Performance

ParkView Day Surgery recognises that quality and safety including quality improvements have a direct relationship with improved healthcare outcomes and consumer satisfaction, our goal is to operate our service in a manner that consistently meets or exceeds the safety and quality standards set by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.

Our quality and safety structure is developed in accordance with Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Healthcare (NSQHS) Standards thereby ensuring the highest standard of patient centred care is provided, meeting the needs and expectations of consumers, staff, visiting medical officers and ensuring our accreditation status is maintained.

Please find a copy of our accreditation certificate here.

Clinical Indicators and Safety Management

ParkView Day Surgery conducts benchmarking of our clinical indicators through QPS Benchmarking this measures ParkView Day Surgery against other day surgeries in Australia. Concurrently ParkView Day Surgery routinely collects incident and feedback data via our local incident and risk management system reporting on the outcomes to quality and management committees monthly.

Medication data
A medication error is described as errors in prescribing, dispensing, or administering medication.  The ParkView Day Surgery team is educated and supported in risk identification and incident management to ensure the safe use of medicines in compliance with the national medication safety standard. Reporting of any unintended event is encouraged. ParkView Day Surgery QPS reporting including medication events is available upon request

Patient incidents and adverse events data
An incident is an event or circumstance which lead to an unintended and/or unnecessary outcome to a patient/consumer/business. An adverse event is an incident in which unintended harm resulted to a person receiving health care – for example a fall causing injury, wrong side procedure performed, return to theatre, haemorrhage, other complications. ParkView Day Surgery incident analysis data is available on request.

Infection Control Hand Hygiene
Our staff are trained in the five moments of hand hygiene (before touching a patient, before a procedure, after a procedure, after touching a patient, after touching a patient’s environment) and our facilities undergo regular auditing of these moments. Results of our HHA audit available on request

  • Safeguards – Additional safeguards have been implemented.
  • Face masks – Where recommended by SA heath masks are worn by staff, and when required by patients, carers and other visitors to the facility.
  • Check-in process – We continue to screen for respiratory symptoms associated with Covid-19.
  • Regular cleaning – We frequently disinfect all surfaces in our waiting rooms, patient care areas and reception areas throughout the day and clean our facilities daily.

Health Care Rights
The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights describes the rights of patients using the Australian health system. These rights are essential to make sure that, wherever and whenever care is provided, it is of high quality and is safe.

If you would like to read the Australian Charter on Healthcare Rights from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care click here.

Open Disclosure

ParkView Day Surgery aligns itself with National Open Disclosure Standards and bases its policy and service on these standards. Open disclosure involves discussing significant incidents that have occurred affecting patient safety with staff and patients.

If you would like to read more about Open Disclosure from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care click here.

Clinical Care Standards
Other useful consumer information from the safety and quality commission includes the cataract clinical care standard is available here.

If you would like to learn more about our quality and safety systems, please contact ParkView Day Surgery for a copy of our Annual Report of a recent Quality & Patient Centred Care Report.

Speak to a member of our customer service team

Our skilled and friendly customer service staff are always available to answer any questions you may have via phone on 08 8274 7070 or via email at the button below.

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