Ground Floor, 215 Greenhill Road,
Eastwood, South Australia 5063

General FAQ’s

Please see below some answers to some common patient queries.

If the answer you are looking for is not provided below you are always welcome to get in touch with us on 08 8274 7070 or [email protected] with any specific questions you have.

Do I need to arrive earlier than my admission time?

There is no need to arrive earlier that your admission time. We allow time for the pre-admissions process when we set your time, and your surgery will go ahead as soon as the admissions process is complete. Arriving early will not bring forward your procedure time.

How long will I be at the day surgery for?

Typically, two to three hours from the time of your admission.

Do I need someone to stay with me?

You do not need anyone to stay with you during your time at ParkView, but you are welcome to have someone keep you company whilst waiting to be called in by a nurse. This could be a family member, friend, carer or substitute decision maker.

Can I drive home? Will I need a responsible adult collect and stay with me after my procedure?

You will need to arrange someone to bring you to ParkView Day Surgery and also drive you home after your procedure.

If you are having IV sedation, you will also need a responsible adult to stay with you for the first 24 hours after you are discharged.  Our nursing staff will go through the written instructions with this person for your wellbeing when you go home. This includes advice about sleep, watching TV or reading, personal care habits like showering, pain relief, and when you can resume normal activities.

Will I see my doctor after my procedure?

Your doctor will usually see you before you are discharged and again the next day at your post-op appointment if required.

Do I need to fast before my procedure?

If you are having a laser vision correction procedure it is unlikely you will need to fast before your procedure unless your doctor advises you to do this in your admission information.

Other ophthalmic procedures will require you to fast before your procedure. You will receive these instructions from your doctor at the same time as you receive your admission instructions.

Do I need to fill out any admission forms before my procedure?

Yes- you will need to fill out the online admissions form linked here at least 7 days before your procedure. If you prefer to complete this manually, please call our reception staff on 08 8274 7070 to arrange a pintable copy for you.

What do I bring with me on the day of my procedure?

  • If applicable, bring your Medicare card, your Health Insurance membership card, Veterans’ Affairs card or Pensioner Concession card.
  • Any medications you are currently taking.
  • Advanced Care Directive (if applicable)
  • Contact details of the person taking you home after surgery.
  • Personal items such as sunglasses, hearing aids, earphones etc.

How do I pay for my procedure?

Hospital payments are requested 7 days prior to your admission. You are able to pay for your procedure in a number of ways – please find this information linked here.

What do I wear on the day of my procedure?

Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and appropriate footwear. Do not wear thongs/flip flops, high heels, or slip on shoes.

Can I wear eye makeup on the day of my procedure?

Makeup should be removed prior to your arrival. The eyes and eye area needs to be clean and make up free.

Do I need to remove all jewellery and nail polish on the day of my procedure?

This is for your own safety. There is a risk of surgical burns with metal jewellery, including piercings. If you wish to leave your wedding ring on, we will tape it.

During surgery, your oxygen levels will be monitored with a probe placed on your finger and nail polish and acrylic nails can interfere with this.

Will I stay over night?

No. ParkView is a day surgery, and you will not stay overnight.

Is there parking on site at ParkView Day Surgery?

Yes – there is ample complimentary parking in the building under croft accessible from both Greenhill Road and at the rear via Trust Lane. ParkView Day Surgery is accessible via both lift and stairs from this carpark.

Speak to a member of our customer service team

Our skilled and friendly customer service staff are always available to answer any questions you may have via phone on 08 8274 7070 or via email at the button below.

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